How to Pay Philhealth Contributions via eGov?

    What is eGov?

    EGov is a web-based payment facility that allows employers to easily make their monthly contributions for SSS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig.

    How to Enroll to eGov?

    A bank account named to the registered employer is needed for eGov enrollment. Just coordinate with your branch of account to process your enrollment. 

    How to Set-up Philhealth Profile

    Before you can pay your Philhealth Contributions thru eGov, you must first set-up a Philhealth Profile

    1. Log in to admin account then go to Enrollment then Corporate Maintenance

    2. Click Manage Corporate eGov Profiles

    3. Set Profile Name, choose Agency then input applicable No of Checkers. Type 0 if a checker is not needed (if only one person is involved in the payment) then Add. You can notice that the Profile Status is Not Complete. It must have a COMPLETE status before you can proceed with your payment. 

    How to COMPLETE Philhealth Profile Status

    1. Maintain Corporate User Roles. 

    Back to Corporate Details then Maintain Corporate Users then Add User. Input the necessary details.

    Under Profile - Roles, add a Maker and Approver role under Philhealth then Save.

    2. Maintain Card-Profile Mapping.

    Click Maintain Card-Profile Mapping, select the Profile and ATM Card in the drop-down menu then Add.

    After that the Profile Status will now have a COMPLETE status.

    How to Generate Philhealth SPA

    Before you can make a Philhealth payment thru eGov, you will need to generate first the SPA for the applicable month.

    1. Log in to the eprs01 portal with your employer username and password

    2. Click Remittance Status under Remittance Management. Set Applicable Period

    3. If there is a need to edit the Employee details, click  Employees Management

    4. After updating your employees, click Payment Management then Payment Posting and click the icon as shown below. Select Generate SPA/PPPS

    4. Then select Payment for Posting again

    5. Click Payment Option

    6. In the Payment Option, select Online Payment and select Bancnet then OK

    7. Proceed to eGov

    How to Create New Payment for Philhealth in eGOV?

    1. Log in to eGov maker account. Click Payments then New Payment

    2. Set Payment Service to Philhealth Contributions and the applicable Profile. In the File Format select the uploaded SPA then Submit.

     3. After Upload is Successful, proceed to payment approval.

    How to Approve Philhealth Payment in eGov

    1. Log in to Approver account

    2. Under Notification click the For Approval status

    3. Click Approve icon then select your card, input PIN, Agree and submit

    4. You will be prompted Transaction Successful

    How to Pay Philhealth Contributions via eGov? How to Pay Philhealth Contributions via eGov? Reviewed by Maricris F on November 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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