How to Generate SSS Loan Payment Reference Number (PRN) for Employers?

    What is SSS Loan PRN

    SSS Loan Payment Reference Number or SSS Loan PRN is a unique payment reference number for SSS Loan Payments. It can be seen in the Loan Statement Summary that is generated from the employer or member's SSS online account. 

    How to Generate SSS Loan PRN for Employer

    1. Log in to your SSS Employer account.

    2. Click PRN-Loans

    You will see the system-generated PRN. 

    4. Click PRN to view and print.

    How to Edit SSS PRN Loan Collection List

    If there is a need to update the employee list for the said PRN, click Edit CCL

    Click the + sign beside Certified by EmployerCertified under previous employer or granted as self-employed/voluntary/ofw/non-working spouse and Newly Added Records to view the details.

    Edit as applicable. 

    3. After editing, scroll down and tick
    I am done preparing my list. I certify that the information provided in this electronic loan collection list are true and correct then Save

    4. Print the PRN and proceed to payment

    How to Pay SSS Loan PRN

    You may pay over the counter, do not forget to bring the printed PRN or you may opt to pay thru any online payment facilities such as eGov.

    How to Post SSS Loan PRN Payment

    For employers, payments with PRN no longer requires submission of R3 report or Collection List report since posting is automatically done by the system. As for the individuals, payments with or without PRN are posted automatically.
    How to Generate SSS Loan Payment Reference Number (PRN) for Employers? How to Generate SSS Loan Payment Reference Number (PRN) for Employers? Reviewed by Maricris F on October 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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